The Hair Transplant Information Primer – 4 Points You Should Know

The hair transplant information is comprised of few very special points. Therefore, if you are planning to go for hair transplant surgery; make sure to keep below factors in your mind.
This is absolutely true that the transplant surgery required extracting hair from the donor side that can be side and back of the scalp. It is DHT resistant, and implanting them into the hairless areas. The number of hair follicles per square centimeter of scalp is used while transplanting, it is also known as hair density. Moreover, hair extraction is quite easy on scalp that is loose. The areas of the scalp don’t get affected by DHT that is the source of supplying hair for transplantation.

If you are planning to prefer hair transplant surgery to get rid of baldness, then make sure to check out all the compulsory details about different methods. In most of the cases, hair transplantation is a process that works for male, but not secure for females. Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between male and female hair loss and baldness. Mostly men recorded suffering from MPB that results in a horseshoe pattern of hair at the back and sides of the head. On the other hand, females usually suffer from diffuse hair loss. The front hairline gets affected in the result.

Curly hair is best for hair transplant surgery. This is actually a challenge for the surgeon to deal with a candidate with coarse hair or curly hair. Another challenge doctors usually faces is with the person have a high contrast between the color of his/her hair and the skin color. It is easy to go for hair transplant surgery with people having dark skin and hair color. People who don’t get fit in this criteria should search for expert and highly qualified surgeon for better results.

For better results, it would be great to read or concentrate on the mechanics of the hair transplant method. This is as important, as the art of hair transplant surgery. Obviously, everyone is born differently. We all have different face shape, color, hairline and characteristics. A professional surgeon will take these characteristics very seriously into account and perform the transplant surgery after it. An expert surgeon definitely knows what is pleasing to the eye and what actually appear fake and unnatural. Therefore, whenever you go for hair transplant ; ask or take recommendations from people about different hair transplant procedures.

Be a Real-Life Rapunzel with Hair Transplant Treatment

Let suppose, you wake up one morning and see yourself in the mirror with a bald head? Of course, it will be a shock for you or a bad nightmare. However, this nightmare can be a reality if you will keep on ignoring your hair loss. A recent studies have shown that the majority of men and women are facing different health issues that is ultimately becoming the reason of hair loss. It would not be wrong to say that hair is an important part of your personality that you cannot ignore.
Ladies with bald head look so annoying and horrible, so in order to get rid of your hair loss; hair transplant treatment is the best solution for you. Obviously, this is embarrassing that if your colleagues and relatives are kept on taunting you for your bald look. Therefore, get rid of this trauma and choose the best hair transplant treatment as well as an institute for reliable and permanent results. Appearing beautiful with healthy and strong hair is the right of every female.
There are different types of hair transplant you can get for yourself, such as, FUT, FUE and PRP. In the past decades, there was no concept of hair transplant surgery but latest and advanced technologies had made it possible and easy. However, make sure to choose the best and reliable hair transplant institute for you. After all, hair transplant surgery is a very delicate process, so make sure to extra careful.
Be a Real-Life Rapunzel – Women Hair Transplant Treatments
Basically, females usually suffer from receding hair-line. If we go into the details, baldness of females occurs due to genetics, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, depression, excessive dieting and menopause. No doubt, hair plays the part of the crown for a female. In short, it is the representation of their beauty and femininity. Therefore, if you are suffering from baldness; this is the high time for you to take some decision.

If we compare men and women, then females are also eligible for the hair transplant surgery. The popular follicle restoration treatments for female are Tudor hairline, hair-line lowering and transplants. FUT is the best and permanent solution for a female to get back her confidence and beauty. In this hair transplant process, the surgeons take hair follicles from the donor area and implant them into the bald area of your head. Usually, up to 2,000 hair follicle transplant in the single follicular unit grafting surgery.

When your old hair will fall off, the new and healthy hair will automatically start growing. So, be a real-life Rapunzel in your life because advancement and technology has made hair transplant treatment very reliable and reasonable.

Accept Only The Best:ILHT Hair Transplant Results

Questions to ask hair transplant surgeon

Satisfied ILHT client ” Zain Fayaz Butt”

Hair Transplant By ILHT Pakistan – Video

ILHT, the best hair transplantation center dealing with all types of hair and skin problems. ILHT is responsible for enduring all your worries and giving you the best solution to your never ending hair fall, via best hair transplant surgery procedures.

What Kind of Hair Transplants Are Available for Women?

Two types of hair transplants can be done on either a man or a woman. One is the FUT method and the other one is FUE method. In FUT method, a strip of scalp is taken out from the back of the head and is divided into individual grafts. On the other side, the FUE method of hair transplantation involves taking the individual follicular units and grafts from the back of the head one by one by cutting around it with tiny specialized micro instruments and removing them. The process is deliberate and takes a few hours to complete. The entire procedure is painless.

The rest of the process remains the same in both methods. Tiny sites are created using very fine surgical blades and needles in the hair loss area. These grafts/follicles are then inserted into the sites on the front of the head or wherever there is hair loss.

Both procedures are performed under local anesthesia. After the initial dose is administered, the rest of the procedure remains pain-free. Both methods are outpatient procedures, meaning no overnight hospital stay is required. Patient choice is an important factor in the final hair transplantation option. The FUT option is more laboratory based, whereas the FUE is more labor intensive and intricate.

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The New Era of Hair Loss Treatment

London Skin Nutrition

Hair is one of the most essential parts of our body that increases the decency of our look. But, now-a-days many of us are facing the acute problem of hair loss. It does not depend on the age of the person, and it may happen to anyone, irrespective of male and female.
There may be some reasons of hair fall.

  • The first reason is the genetic cause. If your early generation has the problem of hair loss in the early age, this may inherit to you.
  • Hair loss may happen due to improper use of the product. We sometimes use any kind of product without testing it whether it is suitable to our hair or not. This damages our hair.
  • Pollution can cause the hair loss.  As the pollution has increased in the recent times, the problem of hair loss has also increased.
  •  Any severe illness or liver problem may…

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What you need to know about hair transplant? We explain!

The Ultimate Guide If You Are Considering a Hair Transplant in Pakistan