Archive for February, 2016

5 hair transplant tips why you should consider it start of year

Hairs are the real beauty of anyone and make a person attractive and confident. Hairs are the big cause of your confidence, but with the passage of time or due to diet problems our hairs start to fell down. It is better to have a treatment for hair in the beginning of years and when we think about the treatment of hair fall than the hair transplantation is the best solution for this issue. There is no age limit to transplant your hair. Hair should be transplanted in the start of the year because there will be less grafts in the early age and would be the best time to recover and the result will better than late surgery. There are 5 best tips to transplant hair without your any loss.

Remove Baldness:

Remove baldness is not easy, especially when, then it is genetic. The transplantation method really works against the permanent hair loss solution. This will help the follicles to regrow the hair back to the bald areas of the head. Without having nervousness, just make a decision for the transplant surgery which will help you for growing hair in bald areas of your head. Baldness can be cured and prevented in the early stages with surgery and medications. The hair re-growth will start within the few month.

Restore Follicles:

Now in the world of technology we can restore our lost follicles by the most popular hair treatment in Pakistan . Follicles is a small and very sensitive secretory cavity. It is easy to transplant hair in the beginning of hair fall because of the less hair fall and strong scalp. Hair transplantation is very effective at the start of the hair loss.

How to choose the best surgeon?

It is the common question for all how to choose the best and reasonable hair transplant surgeon? The answer is simple you must need to find out on the internet and research for the best. You must need to consult the experience doctor and ask him all the questions in which you are confused. Just clear your mind and make the decision. You can transplant your hair when it starts to fall, if you want to stop hair fall quickly. The surgery will provide you back your natural look and increase the confidence level to survive the daily life.

FUE hair transplantation method:

This is the latest and most popular method of transplant surgery. This technique involves the extraction of follicular unit from the rear side of the head. In this technique donor hairs can take from outside the genetically resistant area which will continue to thin and eventually be lost. It is good to have FUE in the start because it will take less time, money and less risk as well.

Scalp Reduction:

In the beginning there are few bald areas and less hair fall problem. In this process the bald areas on the scalp is removed the from head and hair bearing scalp is stretched and attached together to cover. In the starting of hair fallen our scalp is sensitive, but strong and can be treated easily.


Hair Transplant in Lahore

Ahmad Butt Also Got Hair Transplant Surgery for All New Look

Hair loss is the most common problem that an adult can come across. keeping in mind the fact that if the subject is a male and is an adult as well then its incidence becomes 50% greater. This should necessarily draw the harsh picture which hair loss itself is. if somebody wants to avoid it then it can be avoided to some extent via adopting healthy habits and eating healthy diet.
On the other hand this can not necessarily stop the oncoming hair loss attack because of the stressful routine that most of male adults have. this condition is grave when it comes to Central Asia.
The reason is because of harsh climate conditions and the stressful atmospheric conditions that play a part in making this environment so.
Victims of hair loss when affected by this menace try to find the solution to this gruesome problem literally everywhere. At first they go for medications and herbal treatments that seem cheap. also the manufacturers guarantee promising results. when these products run out and still the hair fall victims does not see any significant difference then they opt for artificial methods one of which is wearing an artificial hair or wig as one may call it.

Ahmad Butt is know to the Pakistani screen fans since a long time. He was just a teenager when he started his own band known as EP. EP got very popular among the youth of that era and it is still listened very frequently in the rave parties all over the country. later on he started acting and did many sitcoms which majorly changed the course of his professional life. his famous sitcoms include inspector Khojee.

All was going well for him when one day he noticed that his hair volume around the temples looked less than normal. he blamed that on bad hair day and ignored this sign. after a few moths there was significant decrease in the hair volume overall. he also noticed that he has started shedding hair every time he washed them.

ahmed butt

Source: Ahmad Butt Also Got Hair Transplant Surgery for All New LookHair transplant Pakistan