The reason people opt for hair transplantation is to improve their quality of life and restore their fallen hair.  Your hair constitutes an important and impactful part of your personality. No matter in what field of life you are how you wear your hair and keep them discloses much about how you carry yourself around. Losing excessive hair which are not growing is of course a set back to your personal as well as professional life. It not only undermines your potentials and confidence but also disturbs you from inside, especially, in those cases where genetic makeup or a rigorous medical treatment like cancer has been the cause.

The main concern people have in regard with hair transplant in pakistan is whether or not the transplanted hair will adapt to the normal course of growth of other normal hair or not. To your surprise, the answer is definitely yes. Your transplanted hair mimic the same process as your normal hair do. The transplanted hair follicles adhere to the roots of your hair pores and soon after wards with proper care they start to increase in length. If done with right way, the treatment is for life time. It takes for about two to three months for your hair to settle in like you original hair. The recovery time is to make sure the post operation phase is dealt with right care and prescription. The rate at which hair usually tend to grow is not Half an inch every month which is considered to a reasonable good growth rate.